Icarus Server Name Displays NOSTEAM
If your Icarus server name reports with the -NoSteam added to the server name, the fix for that is below.
The easiest thing to do is download this Icarus.cs File, It is in text form you will have to save as a .cs file. HERE
- Download File
- Right click Open with Note++
- Save as C#
After you rename it go to your plugin/Icarus/ and paste it in over writing the original file. Now go back to WindowsGSM and reload your plugins, If there are no errors launch the game.
You will need Note++. You will be editing the orginal .cs code and reloading the code to get your game server to pick up the changes, all in all it is a simple fix, it just shouldn’t be needed.
string param = $”-NOSTEAM -log {_serverData.ServerParam}”;
param += string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_serverData.ServerPort) ? string.Empty : $” -PORT={_serverData.ServerPort}”;
param += string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_serverData.ServerQueryPort) ? string.Empty : $” -QueryPort={_serverData.ServerQueryPort}”;
param += string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_serverData.ServerName) ? string.Empty : $” -SteamServerName={_serverData.ServerName}”;
param += string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_serverData.ServerMaxPlayer) ? string.Empty : $” -MaxPlayers={_serverData.ServerMaxPlayer}”;